We Always Pay Above Fair Trade Pricing

Environmentally friendly

Our roasters, manufactured by Loring, are the most environmentally friendly roasters on the market, claiming up to 80% gas savings compared to conventional coffee roasters.

Our Blending & Roasting Process

Each coffee is blended to a specific recipe by hand when on our trolley, which has built in scales to ensure we weigh the green coffee accurately, this allows us to ensure our blends are always consistent for you.

Each coffee developed is always carefully manually roasted first. Once the profile is set, our roasters follow the curve so accurately that each coffee is roasted within a second and within 0.1C throughout the roast.

Our roasters heat the coffee with air. The beans are moved around inside the roasters consistently by paddles and a stream of very hot air is passed through the coffee.

Unlike traditional coffee roasters, where flames heat a drum, our heat is directed straight at the beans. This results in less burning of the bean.

Cooling, de-stoning and resting.

At the end of the roast, we air cool the coffee inside the roasters, during cooling, the coffee is technically still roasting and air cooling allows us to be more consistent.

After all the coffee is roasted it goes through our destoner. We do this to remove any foreign objects such as stones.

The roasting of coffee produces lots of CO2. It is important to allow the coffee to off-gas prior to dispatching.

We rest the coffee for you so that you can enjoy it the moment it arrives.